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Valentine's Day Photo Tips

With Valentine's Day fast approaching, here are ten quick tips to assist you in capturing the special moments with your loved one this February 14th.

1. Avoid Flash Photography

Where possible, preserving the natural ambience of a scene such as candle lighting will produce an authentic capture of the mood and setting.

2. Candid Shooting

While posed shots are good, capturing candid moments will provide you with a lasting memory of that spontaneous action.

3. Tripod and Timer Use
When taking ‘selfies’ with your loved one, consider using a tripod in conjunction with your camera’s timer-countdown function to ensure camera shake is minimal. Additionally, utilizing the camera’s burst-mode to take multiple exposures not only paves the way for spontaneity, but will also increase your chances of a perfect shot in case of blinking.  

4. Close-ups

Zoom-in to capture various emotions of the day including that priceless smile or a special gift exchange moment.

5. Silhouettes

Silhouettes are a powerful method of capturing romantic scenes with a dramatic vibe.

6. Props

Utilize sentimental items and/or Valentine’s Day related props to give your photograph a fun and playful edge that encapsulates the subject’s personality.

7. Depth of Field Control

Draw attention to the desired subject(s) by exploring depth-of-field settings. A beautifully soft out-of-focus background adds visual value to the occasion.

8. Be Mindful of Your Surroundings

Keep an eye on your background and surroundings to avoid any objects that may cause distraction.

9. Objects and Elements

Special objects and elements such as a table setting, gorgeous scenery or a present are fantastic for showcasing unique highlights of the day.
10. Digital Darkroom        

The post-photography process can be a fun stage of creative exploration via your favourite photo-editing software suite. Digital filters and effects can add various levels of class or change the scene dynamics to suit your desired style.
Until next time folks, enjoy the month ahead and may it be filled with cherished memories!


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